We Are Experienced In Handling All Aspects Of Divorce And Family Law
Going through a divorce or child custody dispute can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. There is a great deal of uncertainty and confusion. Emotions run high and there is a natural mistrust of the other person involved. The guidance, knowledge, and experience of a well-qualified family law attorney can be invaluable. At Valrico Law Group, we take the time to meet with each potential client to explain the law and provide guidance on how to best handle the situation they are going through. We understand the difficult choices they are confronted with and we can help develop the best strategy to achieve a favorable outcome either through settlement or at trial.
We handle all family law matters which include: dissolution of marriage (divorce), paternity, child custody, parenting plans, timesharing, child support, step-parent adoption, military divorce, collaborative divorce, post-nuptial agreements, pre-nuptial agreements, temporary custody by extended family members, contempt matters, and family law mediation.
The dissolution of a marriage is a very trying time for the entire family and there are often at least two aspects; the emotional side and the business side. We are there to help relieve some of the concern and worry which can take an emotional toll.
We are also knowledgeable and experienced in resolving the “business” side of the divorce in determining when each parent will spend time with the children, dividing the assets and liabilities, determining if and how much alimony is appropriate and addressing all of the other financial matters.
You may be the parent of a child born out of wedlock and you do not know your rights or obligations. Approximately 45% of the family law cases we handle involve children born outside of a marriage. The parents in these situations often need guidance and aggressive representation in order to have their legal rights as a parent recognized.
We are well-versed in the multiple unique issues involved in a military divorce. Military divorces typically involve Parenting Plans with multiple contingent timesharing plans due to change of duty stations, division of military retirement and Thrift Savings Plans, and access to additional benefits and privileges. Having previously served in the United States Marine Corps, one of our attorneys, Peter Farren, can also speak the jargon.