At this moment, Hurricane Matthew is fast approaching Florida and is expected to hit landfall on Friday. This Category 4 storm could very well wreak havoc on homes all along the east coast of Florida, causing storm and water damage, which is why it’s important to consider following these six steps:
1. Take pictures of your home and property. You can use these photos as comparison after Matthew has passed to show the insurance company the damages your home and property sustained. You can use your cellphone or tablet and upload them directly to iCloud, Dropbox, Google+ or Evernote to keep them safe until after the storm has passed.
2. Take pictures of your personal property. In addition to your home, take pictures of your belongings as well. You can use these as proof to an insurer who may question whether you owed certain property or if it’s covered by your policy.
3. Make sure everything is listed correctly on your insurance policy, including your mortgage lender. Having the correct information listed on your policy can prevent payment delays because your insurer does not have the information they need to properly handle your claim.
4. Scan and store a copy of your insurance policy to the Cloud. You may want to reference your insurance policy once Matthew passes. This can be difficult if a storm surge ruins the physical copy you have.
5. Make sure your tablet, laptop and cellphone are completely charged. You may lose your power during the storm. Make sure your important electronic devices like phones and tablets are fully charged before this happens. This way, you ensure that you have a way of communicating with loved ones, emergency personnel and even your insurance provider.
6. Have a stock of batteries, flashlights, food and water available. Hurricane Matthew may prevent you from leaving your home for awhile. As a precaution, make sure you have a stock of emergency supplies that can last you for awhile.
It is our sincerest hope that all of our readers stay safe while Hurricane Matthew is in town, and we want you to know we’re praying for you and your families. If you need help after the storm has passed, we are here to assist you.