In our last blog post, we discussed house fires and what homeowners can do to protect themselves and their homes in the event of a fire. This includes reviewing your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy.
In this post, we will look at some of the most common causes of household fires. Hopefully, this information will help our readers be especially aware of common fire hazards and take steps to prevent specific dangerous situations.
- Cooking accidents: If you are in the kitchen or grilling in the back yard on a barbecue, it is important to be attentive. Grease, oil and other substances can overheat, splatter and start a fire. If you are working flames and hot temperatures, pay attention and keep the cooking area clear of items like oven mitts, paper towels and other things that can catch fire.
- Electrical accidents: Older homes and appliances have wiring that can deteriorate over time which can lead to electrical fires. Having too many things plugged into single outsets can also be a serious electrical hazard.
- Open flames: People who light candles, smoke or allow kids to use lighters or matches need to be aware that these can and do lead to accidents where furniture and other household items catch fire. These fires can quickly get out of control and cause serious damage.
- Seasonal items and storage areas: When people don’t use something every day, like paints and holiday decorations, it can be easy to put them away and forget about them. However, if something is flammable, it should be kept in a cool, well-ventilated area. Similarly, when you take items out of storage, make sure that you check them thoroughly to look for signs of deterioration, leaks or damage.
Being mindful of these common causes of household fires can be extremely important, but awareness can only go so far. In order to protect yourself, your family and your home, it can be crucial that you assess your home for potential hazards, remedy any troubling situations and always use caution around fire and electricity in the home.